#6 A NOTE ON THE ELECTION: Time for Some Finger-Pointing!

As the Democrats retain control of the Senate, and, likely with the Republicans achieving only a slim, fractious majority in the House, the Republicans get to now engage in blame and finger-pointing.  The Republicans even blew the state level races in major electoral battlegrounds like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, where they fervently hoped to control the election apparatus to assure the next American President would be of their choosing.

The coming apocalypse temporarily averted.

Most of the election deniers who lost have gone quietly into that goodnight without contesting their failure.  Practically overnight, the fire-breathing dragon of election denial turned to ash on the wind.  Heaving a big sigh of relief (I waited for the following morning to find out the results to save on my jangled nerves), I have to recognize that our established voting institution held its ground and chose objectively according to the math.

You know, for most of my adult life, I’ve had a problem with what we used to call “the Establishment,” at least until Trump came whirling along like the Tasmanian Devil trying to tear it to pieces, and then I had more appreciation for why it was there to begin with.  The polis and the government that represents it should stand for more than some dumbass who insists he was wronged in the face of all facts.  There’s some sanity to how that’s set up, and to how, for example, the Justice Department ought to function to enforce the law.  I suppose the problem all along was never the institutions themselves, just the neuroses that individuals bring in to subvert them.

That’s one place I’d point my finger, if somehow the Republican brass let me into their bitter recrimination sessions.  Not everyone wants your insane ranting, racism, anti-abortion rulings, and foam-flecked conspiracy theories.  We do need our democracy and governance to actually work, and there’s the karmic force of some kind of sanity behind that, built up in the course of 250 years.  It’s not all destroyed just yet.

But when it comes to whom to blame, ask who let the homunculus out of his corner in the entertainment business and elevated him to President?  Who excused his every act of corruption and falsity?  Who protected and supported him, no matter what he did, including a violent attempt to overthrow the government?  And now, when he starts thrashing at an ever more fevered pitch, ready to take down anything and anyone who opposes him, who will take hold of him and chain him back to the wall and gag his mouth?  Kind of a problem, isn’t he?

Point your finger at who enabled this particular mess.

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