#11 LECTURING AND ADMIRING THE DIVAS: A Review of Swift’s Midnights and Beyoncé’s Renaissance

Two divas who reign currently over the global pop world—Taylor Swift and Beyoncé—released major records this year.  Both rocketed into music as teen phenoms; both eventually wrested complete managerial, fiduciary, and aesthetic control into their own hands, and they’ve both flourished.  No one tells them what to do.  They choose the other artists they want […]

#7 A Dharma Bum Dissolves into the Boulder Aether

I’ve been posting political screeds for the last month, as the prospects for the collapse of American democracy came into view, but somehow it continues to breathe and remains above ground.  If you attended to those discussions, I focused them on how language gets employed to re-create reality in the image power-mongers want you to […]

#6 A NOTE ON THE ELECTION: Time for Some Finger-Pointing!

As the Democrats retain control of the Senate, and, likely with the Republicans achieving only a slim, fractious majority in the House, the Republicans get to now engage in blame and finger-pointing.  The Republicans even blew the state level races in major electoral battlegrounds like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, where they fervently hoped to control […]

#5 THE POWER OF THE WORD–Part Three: The Death of Decency

William S Burroughs One wonders what the Founding Fathers would think of contemporary rightwing media.  Aristocratic and highly educated sophisticates, they thought beyond the kneejerk response of power to pillory or behead anyone advancing an unwelcome opinion.  In their envisioned utopia, you could speak without fear, and the freedom to speak would enable greater understanding [...]