#18 WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW?: In Search of Ordinary Mind

  I’ve been studying Indian texts on Mahamudra, a superlative statement of the most essential kind of instruction on the very pith of the Buddhist teachings. So when our little on-line study group of old dharma students met last week and got into a discussion of “ordinary mind,” it immediately brought up for me Saraha’s […]


  “I go willingly into the sound of the crickets.” –Pat Donegan, on her deathbed       I hadn’t planned to write on Pat, but then, who really plans on death—even when they see it coming?  She died on the evening of January 25th in her hometown of Chicago after a difficult illness.  Interestingly […]

#11 LECTURING AND ADMIRING THE DIVAS: A Review of Swift’s Midnights and Beyoncé’s Renaissance

Two divas who reign currently over the global pop world—Taylor Swift and Beyoncé—released major records this year.  Both rocketed into music as teen phenoms; both eventually wrested complete managerial, fiduciary, and aesthetic control into their own hands, and they’ve both flourished.  No one tells them what to do.  They choose the other artists they want […]