Warrior’s Heart: Mindfulness Practice for Veterans by Gary Allen
Specifically for military veterans, Warrior’s Heart presents how to be a warrior with your mind and life. It contains detailed instructions on how to work with wild thoughts, conflicted emotions, fear, and anxiety, including ways to address and start to unravel states of Post-Traumatic Stress. Drawing on ancient principles, Warrior’s Heart is a journey out of rage and alienation into self-confidence and connection to the world around you. From the book:
“You can’t have back who you were before your military service, but you can learn to see the value in who you are now. You might gain a depth of perspective you could never have acquired any other way. You may never ‘un-see’ what you’ve witnessed, but it might open your heart in ways that transform you. When you stop trying to reject or numb your experiences, you might find that they’ve been trying to teach you something you’ve vitally needed to understand about yourself, about other people, and about being alive. Whatever it is that you’ve held on to so tightly inside yourself, you could finally let it go.”