Weird Luck- Eleven Pieces of Buddhist Mind
by Gary Allen, Heather Campbell Grimes, Louise Holder, Kathy Kaiser, Lainie Logan, Christopher Nicholson, Maddie Radish, Melissa Robinson, Bob Sutherland, Sarah Sutherland, and Brus Westby
Meditation gives you an arm’s length view of everything, like the view from the back of an elephant, as has been said. Does that view come through in these writings by meditators? Can you hear a person’s meditative accomplishment in their fictional voice? Suppose you could – what would it sound like? Something clear, observant, incisive. Cogent. This collection consists of six fiction stories, one essay, one poem, and three pieces of memoir. You be the judge.
“This lot reminded me of sitting around a campfire listening to people tell stories. Funny, sad, insightful, radiant, telling stories.” – Quentin Finney
“This collection is more than a literary anthology. It represents community members coming together to accomplish a creative project.” – Jim Fladmark
“Life is in the details, and these ordinary details shrine through Maddie Radish’s prose. It’s a joy to recognize myself so deeply in her work, as she recounts a life nothing like mine — this is the art of storytelling.” -Jeff Scott