#39 ANALYZING TAYLOR SWIFT: Cinderella, the Deep State, and Occam’s Razor

I’ve written blogs on the Israeli-Hamas conflict, translating tantric poetry, photography as dharma art, the Denver Nuggets, prairie dogs, Hugh Hefner, recognizing ordinary mind, and a shamanic journey to extirpate the karma of the atomic bomb, but what by far got the most reaction was my review of Taylor Swift’s concert movie (Taylor Swift: The […]

#38 The Oppressiveness of Imperial Languages “& MEANWHILE” in Ukrainian

    At our organization, Mindfulness Peace Project, where I work as the “Co-Executive Director,” the lion’s share of what we do consists of helping prison inmates to learn dharma.  This has resulted in some cases in many year relationships with people I’ve never directly met, done entirely through writing personal letters and commenting on […]

#37 DHARMA EYE: Part Three—Elegant Decay

  The enduring interest in any artistic production, as I started to address in the previous post, remains a hard thing to pin down, as much as critics might monumentalize it.  Why this photo comes to the fore and not that one–I don’t necessarily have a language to describe it.  That’s the most interesting thing. […]

#36 DHARMA EYE: Part Two—Framing the Sacred

                A fundamental element to my practice of taking pictures, particularly of the natural world, comes from the perceptual sense that I could take a thousand pictures standing in one spot—that everything I see constitutes an organic artfulness that doesn’t require fashioning.  What the eye can see has […]


Last year I addressed Taylor Swift’s divahood in this space, but with her “Eras” tour that’s dominated the music industry and media this year, she’s raised herself via apotheosis to pop goddess.  What else can you call her, as the camera descends on the roof of the state of the art SoFi Stadium in LA, […]


The last episode of Winning Time’s second season on HBO charts the 1984 NBA finals between Magic Johnson’s LA Lakers and Larry Bird’s Boston Celtics, an animosity great enough for the Boston fans to pummel the Laker’s bus in a flurry of garbage as it pulled out of Boston Garden.  In a signature brutal moment […]


If you live in the western US, on the grassland plains, you probably know prairie dogs, whom you can find tunneling vacant lots, quite possibly in your neighborhood. At least, they’re certainly in my neighborhood. When I walk out through King’s Ridge and take the bike path out to Cottonwood Trail, I pass them foraging […]


                                                                                      “The pure products of America go crazy—”                –William Carlos Williams, “To Elsie”             While his name may live on in militant rightwing bunkers on the internet as a martyr to government tyranny, most likely most of us won’t remember his story a day later.  Americans have extraordinarily […]