#28 TOWARD A POETICS OF TRANSLATING THE DOHA: Part Three—Jackals & Vultures Weep!

Now, to put this thinking to the test, I’ll assay a fairly difficult doha by Shabarapada (aka, “Shabara,” “Shavara,” “Shavaripa”) from the Charyagiti, a collection of condensed, gnomically esoteric ejaculations by Indian siddhas, that has a detailed commentary by one Munidatta, without which I doubt we’d have the slightest idea what most of them have […]

#26 TOWARD A POETICS OF TRANSLATING THE DOHA: Part Two—I Have the Key to Enter the Vision

The dakinis (Sanskrit: “sky-goers”; goddesses who appear in many forms) confront the Indian tantric master Tilopa (988-1069), challenging Tilopa with their own tantric doha: The born-blind looks at, but he cannot see the forms; A deaf man listens to, but he cannot hear the sounds; An idiot speaks, but he cannot understand the meaning. At […]


The first time I watched Nikola Jokic play a few years ago, he came off the bench, replacing Jusuf Nurkic as center for the Denver Nuggets.  The Nuggets got the ball and went on offense, where Jokic situated himself at the foul line.  With one flip of the ball over his head, it flew over […]

#24 TOWARD A POETICS OF TRANSLATING THE DOHA–Part One: The Rut of Suchness Flows

  In the Indian tradition of Buddhist poetry, as inherited and practiced by the Tibetans, we get a predominant didacticism–it’s poetry that’s meant to explain the dharma to you. But that’s not everyone. The Indian siddhas (Sanskrit: “realized ones,” “accomplished ones”) aren’t so academic sounding, though they may be teaching dharma; when they speak , […]


I hadn’t been on any extensive retreat in four years, when I went it into a solitary one here at my house ten days ago.  In fact, I can’t really remember the last solitary retreat I did of more than two or three days or how many years ago that was.  I’d been in a […]


In The Lord of the Rings, Grima Wormtongue, one of its memorable villains, subjugates the king of Rohan, Théoden, through toxic use of his deceptive, manipulative speech, thus wresting away Théoden’s proper interest in the good of his kingdom, handing the reins over to his master, the malevolent wizard Saruman.  However subservient to Saruman Wormtongue […]